1. Give basic skills and strategies to first responders to better communicate with individuals who are nonverbal.
2. Allows individuals who are nonverbal to have the power to give their own information and make decisions concerning their situations.
a. Recent problems with hurricanes and wildfires provided examples of situations in which people who use AAC were separated from their families and/or caregivers with no means to adequately communicate their needs.
3. This training helps to combat the stereotypic thinking that perpetrators may have thinking that their victims “can’t tell.”
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O’Keefe, B., Kozak, N.B., & Schuller, R. (2007). Research priorities in augmentative & alternative communication as identified by people who use AAC and their facilitators. Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 23(1), 89-96.
Quinn, E. & Stuart, S.L. (2010). Disaster preparedness. SIG 12 Perspectives on Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 19, 120-123.